Monday, February 7, 2011


You remember this commercial? HE WENT TO JARED...OOO! HE BOUGHT A DIAMOND RING!
Today in the morning I got my early St. Valentine's present! OOO! HE WENT TO WOODCRAFT STORE! HERE IS MY BEAUTY, MY DIAMOND:
DeWalt Scroll Saw

I am soooo happy! I finally can start my projects using my new sawing machine (get it: "sewing"-"sawing" machine?): one of them is My Unique Dream Dollhouse.
Please, join me at
I want to build a Dollhouse in Gothic style and it requires a lot of fret work that I can do now.
I started another new blog today ME, MYSELF AND SCROLL SAW where I will post the stories about real size projects and mini projects. You are welcome to join it here:

I know, I know: so many projects, so many blogs. I will try to be on the top of each of them! Thank you for your following and your interest in my work.

As for a Woodcraft store, we are lucky to have it in Spokane, WA. It is a fabulous store that is owned by a retired couple. I attended a couple of classes there and very happy with what I've learnt.
Another one is located in Seattle and I can't drive there too often.

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